The History of Double Glazed Windows and Doors

The History of Double Glazed Windows and Doors

The History of Double Glazed Windows and Doors

In the modern world, we often take the comfort and energy efficiency that double-glazed windows and doors bring to our homes and offices for granted. However, double glazing can be traced back to a fascinating history of technological advancements and a strong desire for improved living conditions.

The idea of double glazing has roots in the early 19th century when single-glazed windows were more common. During this time, people began to experiment with adding a second layer of glass to improve insulation. The earliest recorded use of double-glazing dates back to Victorian England, where it was mainly employed for its thermal benefits in combating the chilly British climate. These early attempts were limited by the technology of the time and were not as effective as the double glazing we know today.

It wasn’t until the mid-20th century that double glazing had a significant transformation, thanks to advancements in materials and manufacturing processes. The evolution of sealed units, which trap inert gas like argon between two panes of glass, played a pivotal role in enhancing insulation. The sealed airspace acts as a barrier, enhancing energy efficiency and potentially reducing heating bills.

Thermally Efficient Windows Victoria

The 1970s marked a turning point for double glazing as awareness of energy conservation and environmental concerns grew. Governments and industries worldwide began to focus on developing more sustainable building practices. Double-glazed windows and doors became an important part of this movement. They offered an effective solution to reduce heat loss and boost overall energy efficiency in homes and commercial spaces.

As technology continued to advance, manufacturers introduced Low-E (low emissivity) coatings to further enhance the performance of double glazed units. The coatings are applied to the glass surface to reflect heat into the room while letting natural light pass through. This made homes brighter over time.

In recent years, the evolution of double glazing has extended beyond energy efficiency. We let you choose from a variety of materials, styles, and features to suit your specific needs. From uPVC frames that offer durability and low maintenance to the aesthetic appeal of wooden frames, the options are endless. 

Double glazing has come a long way over the years. From humble beginnings in Victorian England to the cutting-edge technology of the 21st century, double glazing is an essential home improvement. It increases your energy efficiency and security, while it is available in many styles and colours. This helps you create your dream design however you want. We offer double glazing as standard in all our windows, resulting in an outstanding upgrade.

. At Ecostar, we are passionate about home improvements and double glazing, so reach out to our team today to learn more about what we do. Or, get a quote for a guide price. Design your ideal build from scratch and we will come back with a price that suits your needs.

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