How To Reduce Your Power Bills With Ecostar’s Double Glazed Windows And Doors

How To Reduce Your Power Bills With Ecostar’s Double Glazed Windows And Doors

How To Reduce Your Power Bills With Ecostar’s Double Glazed Windows And Doors

Remember the freezing winter here in Melbourne, when the gas and electric heaters were pumped up to their maximum temperatures? Ever wondered how much money the extra heating cost you? What if there was a way to warm your home that didn’t hurt the pocket every winter?

That’s where Ecostar’s double-glazed windows and doors come in.

Ecostar are Melbourne’s most experienced and professional double-glazing installation and production company, who are all about helping Melbournians save on their energy bills. Over 53,000 successful projects have been completed all around Melbourne since 1979!

How Can I Save On My Energy Bills By Installing Double Glazed Windows And Doors?

With power bills set to surge in Australia over the coming months, now is an ideal time to switch your old windows with energy-efficient double-glazed windows. Did you know that old doors and windows let out over 40% of the thermal energy lost by a home in cold weather and gained during summer? This is because glass allows for easy transfer of heat both in and out of the house, even more so than walls and roofs. No wonder your heating doesn’t seem to be as effective! 

Double-glazing works by utilising two layers of glass panes per window, which are several millimetres apart from each other. This small space is usually filled with an inert gas, such as Argon, however sometimes a vacuum is used, reducing your heat gain or loss by up to 30% when compared to single-glazed windows. You will no longer need to have your heating or air conditioning on full-blast once your windows have been insulated!

Ecostar windows are also built to last, with no maintenance needed once they have been installed. There’s even a 10-year structural guarantee, giving you complete peace of mind.

How Much Do Double Glazed Windows Cost?

Double glazed windows with Ecostar are competitively priced, giving you many years of savings. With 5-year interest-free payment plans still available, it’s now more affordable than ever to stay warm this winter.

Lower your electricity and gas bills by installing energy-efficient, double-glazed windows with Ecostar. You can get an online quote today, or contact us for more information.

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