Double Glazing Featured On The Block

Double Glazing Featured On The Block

Double Glazing Featured On The Block

The eighteenth series of the popular renovation show ‘The Block’ wrapped up recently. The finale was shown on Sunday, 6th November, and we were paying close attention here at Ecostar. Why? Well, for one thing, it’s an entertaining show, and we’ve always enjoyed it. But this time there was a bonus; contestants were encouraged to raise the value of their property by installing double glazing. 

This was music to our ears. We’re firm believers in the benefits of double glazing, so we loved seeing it showcased on national television. If ‘The Block’ has left you wondering if you should upgrade your windows, we would have to say yes. 

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What Is Double Glazing?

Double glazed windows are exactly what they sound like; windows fitted with two panes of glass instead of one, with a space between them filled with inert gas (usually Argon). Double glazing is widely popular across Europe and North America but not so much here in Australia. 

Double glazing is more energy efficient, environmentally friendly and reliable than single glazing. Sustainability was a theme for this series of ‘The Block,’ so we’re not surprised that double glazing featured so prominently. Here are several reasons why.

Thermal Efficiency

This is the big one. Double glazed windows help you manage household temperature better than their single-glazed counterparts. They reduce heat transfer between the inside and outside, effectively trapping heat in the house during the winter and preventing it from coming in during the summer. It’s sometimes assumed that double glazing is only effective in colder climates, but it’s suitable for homes everywhere. But don’t just take our word for it; the official Government advice is that double glazing is the better option.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Better heat management in the home has the knock-on effect of reducing your carbon footprint. Losing less heat through your windows means you won’t turn the heating as high, so you’ll reduce your energy consumption and bills simultaneously. This will be good news for both eco-minded homeowners who are conscious of their environmental impact and people who want to save a bit of money on heating.

Reduced Maintenance

One unpleasant side effect of single-glazed windows is the increased condensation. The extra moisture leads to damaged frames (especially if they’re made with timber), but double-glazed windows don’t have this problem. They form a greater barrier between indoor and outdoor temperatures and thus, dramatically reduce the chances of condensation. This means less damp and mould and the frames will last a lot longer. 

Double glazing is also more secure. The extra layer between panes makes them harder to damage and they’ll resist unwanted break-ins long enough for you to call the Police. There’s less risk of badly aimed football shattering them as well.

Double Glazing From Ecostar

If you’re wondering whether you could upgrade your windows with double glazing, we have good news. It’s almost universally applicable regardless of what type of house you have. With the exception of heritage buildings, we can install double glazing anywhere. So, if you want to recreate what you’ve seen on ‘The Block,’ get in touch with Ecostar today.

We’re passionate about double glazing and believe it’s a worthy investment. It means more money in your bank account, a reduced environmental impact and a more comfortable home. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to contact us or request an online quote; one of our experts will be happy to talk with you.

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