Glen Waverley uPVC Windows & Doors

Glen Waverley uPVC Windows & Doors

Glen Waverley uPVC Windows & Doors

Durable, Secure & Sustainable uPVC Windows & Doors in Glen Waverley

Investing in uPVC windows & doors can hugely enhance the durability, energy efficiency and weatherproofing of your Glen Waverley home. Not only do these profiles look good, but they also look attractive and can be adapted to a range of installations. At Ecostar, we have many years of experience, so get in touch with us today.

uPVC stands for Unplasticised Polyvinylchloride, which is a highly resilient material that is used extensively in the construction industry. uPVC is an energy efficient and sustainable alternative to timber and aluminium profiles.

At Ecostar, we are proud to be one of the most reliable window and door installers in your local area. We have over four decades of experience in the double glazing industry. We only deliver the best quality uPVC windows & doors for your Glen Waverley home. Here are just some of the benefits of these installations.


Low Maintenance

Our uPVC windows & doors require minimal maintenance to stay looking as good as new. uPVC is an inherently hard wearing material, which means you don’t need to repaint or revarnish.

We are the only company in the Glen Waverley region that offers a “Certified UV Stabilised” product that was created using Victoria’s harsh climate as its model. Once installed into your property, they won’t need your time, money or energy to stay looking as attractive as the day installed into your home.

Long Lasting

uPVC windows & doors are naturally resistant to moisture, atmospheric pollution and mould. They are a long lasting alternative to timber and aluminium frameworks because these windows and doors won’t rust, warp, or fade. We are so confident in the longevity of our uPVC windows & doors, they come with a 10-year guarantee.

uPVC windows & doors will also not suffer from rot or corrosion, which makes them perfect for homes on the coast. These durable uPVC profiles are also UV resistant.

Ecostar’s uPVC windows & door frames can handle even the most adverse weather conditions and are guaranteed to last at least 70 years. Ensure your family is protected for years.

Enhanced Security

As well as being approved by the UK police, our uPVC windows & doors have been designed to feature high quality security systems. Our range of uPVC windows is fitted with a six point locking system, and our uPVC doors with a nine point locking system.

The uPVC windows and doors are extremely soundproof, ensuring you will be able to sleep better in the long term.

Improved Insulation

uPVC is a natural insulator and has a low conductivity of heat. uPVC windows & doors can better insulate your Glen Waverley home by sealing air tightly within the system. With U-values as low as 1.0 W/m2K, our windows and doors can enhance your building’s thermal efficiency and overall performance effortlessly.

This may lead to less reliance on air conditioning and heating systems because temperatures will be regulated better within your building. uPVC windows & doors can help your Glen Waverley property conserve energy and save money in the long run.

When used in conjunction with double glazing, our uPVC windows & doors can help minimise noise by 40 decibels or almost 90%. This can lead to a more peaceful home environment for you to work, or socialise.

stacker doors vs bifold doors


Environmentally Friendly

We are committed to championing an ethical and sustainable approach to home improvement installations. We don’t believe our customers should have to cause a negative impact to the planet by improving their property. We are the environmental choice for your Glen Waverley home.

The exceptional thermal efficiency of our products will help reduce the amount of energy your home needs to sustain a comfortable and consistent environment all year round.

uPVC is an inherently recyclable material that needs fewer resources than aluminium alternatives. This material has a life span of up to 80 years and can be recycled into other applications. Our windows and doors can be recycled up to 350 times once they reach the end of their long life.

Made to Measure

When you are ready to install your uPVC windows and doors, get in touch with Ecostar today. Our friendly team will ensure you get a design that is right for you.

Enhance the appearance of your uPVC double glazed profiles with more than 700 different frame styles, and 10 stylish colours to choose from. From traditional solid shades to modern wood-grain effect foil finishes, Ecostar offers a broad array of decorative, functional styles to help you achieve your interior design goals.

Use our online quoting engine to get a price tailored to your specifications and measurements. Alternatively, you can contact our team today and we will be happy to help! We look forward to working with you today.

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