6 Reasons Why Every Melbournian Needs Double-Glazed Windows & Doors

6 Reasons Why Every Melbournian Needs Double-Glazed Windows & Doors

6 Reasons Why Every Melbournian Needs Double-Glazed Windows & Doors

Nothing says Melbourne more than the phrase: ‘four seasons, one day.’

And it’s true! We may have the best coffee culture and all-around good vibes, but one thing we Melbournians can NEVER get a hold of is our weather. But there’s no need to spend so much time (and energy!) on it, not when you have Ecostar’s amazing double glazed windows and doors. And if you’re not convinced by over 50,000 happy customers, here are just six reasons why EVERY Melbournian needs Ecostar’s double glazed windows and doors!

Incredible Insulation

Do you ever find yourself exhausted by the scorching summer heat or shivering in the cruel cold of winter? Well, installing double glazed windows and doors can hugely increase insulation in your home. This means that your home stays cool in summer by deflecting heat and stays warm in winter by retaining heat. Better insulation increases the comfort of your home, meaning you can spend more time relaxing with family and less worrying about uncomfortable indoor temperatures!

Save On Energy Bills

Did you know the average annual energy bill is now $2,000 and climbing? With the cost of living also rising, no one wants any more unnecessary costs that can be avoided. Since double glazed windows and doors work to both retain warmth and circulate coolness, there’s no need to crank the AC or heater! This means a massive reduction in energy bills, saving a massive amount over time!

Increase The Value Of Your Home

Double glazed windows and doors are sleek and stylish, boosting kerb appeal. They not only look fantastic but double glazed windows and doors are becoming sought after for their amazing array of benefits. So why not boost the value of your home when it’s THIS easy and beneficial?

Safe And Secure

Did you know that Ecostar’s double glazed windows are designed with a six-point locking system, and their doors are built with a nine-point locking system? Not only does this prove how much safer they are compared to standard windows and doors, but they’ve even been approved by the UK Police. Stay safe!

Acoustic Insulation

Dealing with noisy neighbours is a frustration of the past with double-glazed windows and doors. Not only do they increase temperature insulation, but even acoustic insulation! That’s relaxation taken to a whole new level!

Save The Planet

Did you know that Ecostar’s double-glazed windows and doors have saved carbon emissions equaling to 16,036,113 air miles?! We only have one planet, and it’s all our responsibility to make environmentally conscious decisions. And the decision to install eco-friendly double glazed windows and doors is one you’ll be forever thankful you made!

There’s SO MANY benefits to double-glazed windows and doors and Ecostar is leading the game! Check out the range of styles here and get a quote today!

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